40. Customers

Creating a customer

The only mandatory information is a name on the customer. If you want to add information that is not part of our information use "Additional information".

Importing customers

1. Login at www.speedinvoice2.net from a computer
2. Go to "Customers" and "Export Customers" and export at least one customer to Excel. If you have none you create one manually
3. In the spreadsheet add new customers. The only mandatory field is the name.
4. To import go to "Customers" and "Import Customers".

To import customer with customer numbers you:
1. Login at www.speedinvoice2.net from a computer.
2. Go to "Settings" and "Number Series" where you set the next number to your current lowest customer number.
3. Go to "Customers" and "Create customer" and create the customer with the lowest customer number.
4. Go to "Customers" and "Export Customers" and export the customers to Excel.
5. Add your customers to the spreadsheet.
6. Then go to "Customers" and "Import customers".

Deleting customers

If you wish to delete a customer you go to www.speedinvoice2.net from a computer or a tablet (the text is too small on a phone). You can't delete a customer if they have quotes or invoices recorded.

From the app you can disable a customer, but not delete them. When a customer is disabled they will not appear in the customer list when you create a quote or an invoice.